Welcome to the Aga Luna Lactation Consultancy

Here to support you on your feeding journey, before or after your baby is born, at whichever stage you might be.

What we offer

Antenatal consultation

An antenatal visit is a perfect opportunity to prepare for the arrival of your little one, with the aim to support your goals to feed your baby and reduce any anxieties you may have.

Postnatal consultation

A follow up visit to review how you and your baby are getting on, resolve any remaining issues or adjust the feeding plan. A perfect opportunity to learn about weaning or common behaviours of your baby as they get older.

Follow up consultation (at home or online)

A postnatal visit after your baby is born to support your goals and help you through any challenges you may be having.

Contact Me

To book a consultation or enquire about any additional information, fill out the form below, or contact me on :

07851982560 (via Whatsapp)