Services offered

No matter what age your baby is, or what issues you are facing, I am here to help! Offering home or virtual consultations.

Covering north London and west London, central London and the Isle of Man!

Antenatal Consultation

An antenatal visit is a perfect opportunity to prepare for the arrival of your little one, with the aim to support your goals to feed your baby and reduce any anxieties you may have.

On this visit we will cover topics such as

  • How breastfeeding works

  • Benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby

  • Benefits of skin to skin

  • Positioning and attachment at the breast

  • Initiating and maintaining your milk supply

  • Signs that your baby is ‘getting enough’

  • Common challenges in the breastfeeding journey

  • Harvesting colostrum

Postnatal Consultation

A postnatal visit after your baby is born to support your goals and help you through any challenges you may be having. This visit can include topics such as

  • An observation and assessment of you and your baby’s feeding technique (breast or bottle)

  • Positioning and attachment guidance

  • Examination of your breasts (if required), support and information on plugged ducts, mastitis, painful/sore/cracked nipples

  • Oral assessment of baby (if required)

  • Support with milk supply queries/issues

  • Support with breast/bottle refusal

  • Weaning from nipple shields

  • Support with weight loss/poor feeding

  • Specialist guidance with premature babies

  • Creating a bespoke feeding plan to support you to reach your goals and overcome any challenges you might be facing

  • Weaning breast/back to work

  • Introducing solids

  • Colic/reflux

  • Jaundiced baby

  • Expressing

  • Mixed feeding


Antenatal consultation

£90 Home visit
£80 Over the phone

Postnatal consultation

£130 Home visit
£110 Over the phone

Follow up (at home or online)

£80 Home visit
£50 Over the phone


Package one - £270


1x Antenatal consultation
1x Postnatal consultation
1x follow up visit

Package two - £200


1x Antenatal consultation
1x Postnatal consultation

Package three - £260


1x Postnatal consultation
2x follow up visits

Contact me to book your consultation